AAMES held it's first online Lukwil'aam Assembly this morning. The Lukwil'aam Awards are held to honour students who demonstrate learning in the core competencies (personal and social responsibility; communication; creative and critical thinking). This month, AAMES staff focused on responsibility towards work and creative ways of demonstrating learning. Students' names are added to the class Lukwil'aam Box throughout the month and at the assembly, teachers draw 2 names. Awards are also drawn from our Learning Services team, Nisga'a, and the office (attendance).
While we have many students whose names have been entered into the Lukwil'aam boxes, our award winners this month are:
- Baron Davis - for helping to organize the gym equipment room
- Madison Davis - for helping a peer with math
- Dallas Moore - for completing all of his work in class
- Jacob McNeil - for completing all of his work in class
- Letty Edwards - for being attentive and demonstrating good listening habits
- Kenzayah Coles - for showing good focus in class and completing her work
- Bianca Bush - for her work in Mathletics
- Marissa McKay - for demonstrating how to stay inside her bubble and working quietly in class
- Heaven Price - for demonstrating social responsibility and helping to teach younger students about the soil/garden
- Jacob McNeil - for showing growth in his use of punctuation in writing and speaking
- Jordanna Doolan - for her consistent work in Nisga'a
- Maximus Haizimsque - for keeping up with Nisga'a even through many disruptions
- Madison Davis - for good attendance
- Christopher Bush - for good attendance
Some of our award recipients are away today and will be given the opportunity to choose their award when they return to school.